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Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve put together a helpful list of FAQs to answer some of your questions about College.
Can’t find your question here? Ask and put FAQ in the subject line.
I’ve forgotten my password, how do I access my account?
If you have forgotten your password, ask your lecturer or your tutor. They will reset it for you or ask you to go to IT.
I’ve forgotten my username, how do I access my account?
The username for your computer is the same as your college ID. If you don’t have your college ID, the library issues new IDs for a charge.
Where can I find student services?
Student services are typically found close to the reception near the main entrance to any campus. If you’re still not sure, ask somebody at reception.
Where can I get lunch from?
It is smart to bring your own lunch to college as some catering services could be closed.
What time does the college open?
The college opens at 8:30 AM.
How do I get to college?
Typically a way of getting to college will be by bus or car. To find campus-specific information, talk to student services found near reception.
My bus pass isn’t working. What do I do?
Go to Student Services, they will be able to help from there.
How do I borrow a laptop from the library?
Ask for a laptop in the library and have your college ID card ready. The library staff will make a note of your borrow so don’t forget to return it.
Note: The library laptop you borrowed can only be used within the library.
What is the Student Union?
The Student Union is a part of the college that represents individual students. They prioritise giving a voice to students over student issues and help set up societies students want. You can start your journey in Student Politics by becoming a Class Representative. You can progress from there.
What is GCS Active?
GCS Active creates activities that you can get registered on by asking your lecturer. This is done in between your breaks so that you don’t miss lectures.
What extracurricular activities does the college provide?
The Student Union along with GCS Active sets up extra-curricular activities.
GCS Active creates activities that you can get registered on by asking your lecturer. This is done in between your breaks so that you don’t miss lectures.
The Student Union creates societies with student interest. This means that if you are interested in starting up a society (Eg: LGBTQ, Environmental societies) just ask your lecturer or contact the Student Union President here.
Where do I find a faith room?
You can find faith rooms by asking at the reception, your lecturer or staff in the common room.
What is the SU made up of?
Class Reps and the SUMG are part of the Student Union voice/politics.
Class Reps are class representatives that represent individual classes and the SUMG represent departments. To become part of the SUMG you need to first be a Class Rep.
The SUMG stands for ‘Student Union Management Group’. This is a group of members that represent departments of the college like engineering and photography. You’ll know more about the SUMG in the class rep meetings.