Dewis enillydd! Choose the winner! Diwrnod Shwmae Sumae

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[Neges dwyieithog/ Bilingual message]

Diolch i bawb a wnaeth cymryd ran yn y gystadleuaeth. Allan o 20 ymgais, rydym wedi dewis 7 yn y rhestr, a nawr mae lawr i chi i ddewis yr enillydd.

Bydd yr enillydd/ enillwyr yn ennill talebau Amazon ac yn cael i’w cadarnhau prynhawn fory (dydd Mercher 15 Hydref).

Edrycha ar y ceisiadau yma.

Pleidleisia am dy ffefryn fan hyn.
Thanks to everyone who took part in the competition, out of 20 that took part we have chosen 7 for the shortlist, and now it’s down to you to choose the winner.

The winner/s will win Amazon vouchers and will be announced tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday 15 October).

Look at the entries here.

Vote for your favourite here.

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