Cwis Mawr Cymraeg / Big Welsh Quiz
College News, Notice Board, Welsh HubProfwch eich gwybodaeth Cymraeg a chael y cyfle i ennill taleb rhodd ar gyfer ‘Ani-bendod’ – brand dillad Cymraeg!
Ewch i joinmyquiz.com a chofnodi’r côd 0531 2664
Sganiwch y ‘QR Code’ ar y poster
Neu dilynwch y ddolen…

Mari Lwyd
College News, Notice Board, Student Information, Uncategorized, Welsh Hub Bydd y Mari Llwyd o gwmpas gwahanol gampysau wythnos nesaf ac mae'n olygfa i'w gweld!
Bydd cerddoriaeth a chanu ac mae croeso i bawb ymuno â'r orymdaith.
Bydd yr orymdaith yn cerdded ar hyd coridorau ac ardaloedd cymunedol felly dewch…

This weeks Sport Spotlight!!
College News, Notice Board, SportsThis weeks sport spotlight goes to Emma Thomas who made her Cymru U17s debut against Ireland last week!! It is a bright Football future ahead.
If you are interested in joining our Women's Football academy, please register your interest on…

Cystadleuaeth/ Competition Shwmae Su’mae
College News, Notice Board, Welsh HubNeges dwyieithog / Bilingual message
Talebau Amazon i’w hennill!
Dyna gyd mae rhaid i ti wneud yw creu rhywbeth creadigol fel fideo, cerdd, cyflwyniad, gelf ayyb ar beth mae’r Gymraeg yn meddwl i ti! Gall fod yn ymdrech dosbarth,…

Register your interest in the College Sports Academies
College News, Notice Board, Sports, Student InformationIf you are interested in joining one of our Sport Academies then click on the link to express your interest - https://forms.office.com/e/XMqVHjULbn
We also have our very own Sport Academy HUB which you can find on the student portal, under…

CAKE and UNO with the Staff LGBTQ+ Network
College NewsFollowing on from feedback that we received at the first Staff LGBTQ+ meeting of the year - we are hosting a social event next week throughout lunchtime Wednesday 15th November.
We will play some Uno and will have coffee and Cake to share…

Navigating Two Worlds: Being LGBTQ+ and Black
College News, UncategorizedIntroduction
Being a part of the LGBTQ+ community can be a beautiful, affirming experience of self-discovery and acceptance. Similarly, being Black is a rich tapestry of culture, history, and resilience. But what happens when these two identities…

Navigating Two Worlds: Being LGBTQ+ and Black
College NewsIntroduction
Being a part of the LGBTQ+ community can be a beautiful, affirming experience of self-discovery and acceptance. Similarly, being Black is a rich tapestry of culture, history, and resilience. But what happens when these two identities…

Bi visibility day 2023
College NewsSaturday 23rd September marks the end of Bisexual awareness week. the week #Biweek. This week aims to raise awareness of and celebrate bisexuality across society, as well as reduce judgement and highlight the issues faced by the bisexual…

Gower College Inclusive Policy announcements.
College NewsIntroduction to Gower College Swansea's LGBTQ+ Inclusive Policies
At Gower College Swansea, we are committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of our community. Embracing diversity is not just a value; it's…