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Diwrnod Shwmae Su’mae 15.10.24

[Neges ddwyieithog/ Bilingual post] Cacennau, ffribis, weithgareddau hwyl a siarad am y Gymraeg! Croeso i rheini efo tamaid bach o Gymraeg, dysgu neu'n rhugl. Gwybodaeth ar gyfleon, gwersi ac adnoddau/ appiau Cymraeg. Rho gynnig…

This weeks Sport Spotlight!!

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This weeks sport spotlight goes to Emma Thomas who made her Cymru U17s debut against Ireland last week!! It is a bright Football future ahead. If you are interested in joining our Women's Football academy, please register your interest on…
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Cystadleuaeth/ Competition Shwmae Su’mae

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Neges dwyieithog / Bilingual message Talebau Amazon i’w hennill! Dyna gyd mae rhaid i ti wneud yw creu rhywbeth creadigol fel fideo, cerdd, cyflwyniad, gelf ayyb ar beth mae’r Gymraeg yn meddwl i ti! Gall fod yn ymdrech dosbarth,…

Car reg DKX I53X

Could the owner of this white Range Rover please move it asap it is blocking the Broadway Centre’s fire exit

Interested in a career in Game Dev? Apply for our very own dev studio – Not just for coders!

Are you interested in a career in game development? At GCS, we are proud to be the home of the UK's first academic game gevelopment gtudio. If you want to be a part of our first cohort of; game creators coders writers musicians artists…

Travel Behaviour Survey

Arolwg Teithio Fel rhan o’n hymdrechion parhaus i wella cyfleusterau a gwasanaethau’r campws, rydyn ni’n cynnal Arolwg Teithio i fynd i’r afael yn well â phatrymau cymudo ac anghenion cludo dysgwyr a staff. Bydd hyn yn ein…

Language Cafe – Gorseinon – 25th September

We are starting a Language Cafe on Wednesday afternoons where students and staff can meet and chat in many languages. There will be of course French, Spanish and Welsh but we’d love to encourage speakers of other languages to take part…

Womens Football Academy – Student achievement from Anna Phelps!!

Congratulations to Anna Phelps from our Women’s Football academy who was selected for the squad for the Women’s Champions League Qualifier last night. What an outstanding achievement and pleasure to have Anna in the academy at GCS👏🏽   Follow…

Register your interest in the College Sports Academies

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If you are interested in joining one of our Sport Academies then click on the link to express your interest - https://forms.office.com/e/XMqVHjULbn We also have our very own Sport Academy HUB which you can find on the student portal, under…