Welsh Language Rights Day
Notice BoardDydd Llun 7fed Rhagfyr mae hi'n Ddiwrnod Hawliau Cymraeg,
i ddathlu bod gan siaradwyr Cymraeg hawliau wrth ddefnyddio'r iaith.
Eleni mae gyda ni ymgyrch arlein yn mynd ymlaen i hyrwyddo'r diwrnod
Dyma fideo byr (1 munud) i chi i chael dysgu mwy am yr hawliau yma. Dwi hefyd wedi cynnwys poster sy'n dangos rhai o'ch hawliau chi.

Latest Football Results
Notice Board
Wednesday was a great day for the college football programme as a slice of normality returned to the learner-athletes’ college week – playing fixtures against other colleges!
With very strict Covid protocols in place, including temperature…

Interested in Construction, Interior Design or Architectural Engineering? Employer talks #11 on Dec 9
Notice BoardHoareLea
Wednesday 9 December 2020
2pm start
HoareLea pride themselves on being problem solvers who care about how a space makes people feel and aim to bring buildings to life. They overcome every challenge with ingenuity, determination…

Personal Statement Writing FAO of all students looking to progress to HE
Notice BoardPersonal Statement writing webinar
We have been working with USW to put together a number of support / webinar sessions to support learners transition / applications to Universities, with a number of finance talks already being arranged…

Update to advice on face coverings whilst at College
College News, Notice Board
Following a recent change to Welsh Government guidance, it will now be mandatory for all staff, students and visitors to wear a face covering outside as well as inside when on campus grounds.
If you wear a face shield, please…

Clubs and societies
Notice Board, UncategorizedDon't forget to register your interest for any clubs this year.
We've got lots going on this year including an online chess club, film clubs, Photography Club, LGBT+ networks, a student run podcast and even a model united nations.

Get on Yer Bike! Kenya Project Fundraiser
Notice BoardGet on Yer Bike for the Kenya Project!
Jump on a bike or make a donation to help complete the 256 mile journey to get money to Mandungu Primary School.
Staff and students around the college from Monday to Thursday this week will be attempting…

Anti Bullying Week
Notice Board
This week we are doing an Anti Bullying campaign to raise awareness.
Statistically nearly 1 in 4 students will experience some form of bullying. Unfortunately this trend is also happening later on in life with Trade Unions reporting that…

Coronavirus survey
College News, Notice BoardEffect of Covid-19 on learners
The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has affected life everywhere. Welsh Government researchers would like to understand more about the impact the pandemic has had on learners in Wales. For this reason,…

Gower College HE Progression Week
Notice Board, UncategorizedThis week is our Higher Education progression week!
We will be holding some open chats on the dates and times below. If students want to find out more about some of our HE courses then they can join the TEAM by…