Careers Wales Survey

Careers Wales have created a survey for students aged 16-19 asking if they require further support from Careers. Please take the time to fill out this survey so that the careers service can support your further. https://www.smartsurve…

Latest FAQ update

Faqs on the the updates page of the college website , have recently been updated to include information on summer assessments. Make sure you head to the below link for the latest information.

Hearing Aid batteries now available at Receptions

Hearing aid battery running low? We have a stock of hearing aid batteries available for use at receptions across the college.    

EU Settlement Scheme

EYST are hosting an information session regarding the EU settlement Scheme, EU citizens’ rights and what help is available from the Citizens Advice Bureau. The session is aimed at informing attendees about the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS),…

Student Union Presidential Debate

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This Afternoon at 12:30 our SU Presidential candidates will be holding a Live Q&A today 23/04/2021 on Teams between 12:30 and 13:30. It's a great opportunity to find out more about your candidates and what they can offer as your next…

Myths about Ramadan Debunked

The Muslim holy month of Ramadan is well under way and, across the globe, those who observe the Islamic faith will abstain from food and drink from sunrise to sunset. The aim is to increase spirituality and religious observance…

Register to vote

Don't forget to make your voice heard!   Today is the last day to register your vote in this year's Senedd elections! If you are 14 or over, you can now register to vote in Wales. If you are 16 or over, you will be able to vote…
Principal Mark Jones

The importance of voting

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Why you should be casting your vote in the forthcoming election   In just a few weeks – on Thursday 6th May – 2.3 million potential voters get the chance to select their preferred politicians who will take one of the 60 seats in…

Ramadan 2021

Ramadan this year begins on the 12th April, many Muslims across the country and indeed our college will be celebrating this highly important religious festival. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims won't eat or drink during the hours of daylight.…

SU Presidential applications close today!

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Our Student Union President election opens today! The Student President is a prestigious role as head of the Student Union, It is a full time role ( salary of £17,254 from August 21- July ‘22 ). Ideal if you want to take a gap year in between…