Llysgenhadon Cymraeg

Wyt ti’n siarad Cymraeg ac eisiau defnyddio a hybu’r Gymraeg yn y coleg? Mae’n golygu trefnu a helpu ar ddigwyddiadau yn y coleg a tu fas. Cyfleoedd i siarad Cymraeg a rhannu negeseuon pwysigrwydd yr iaith Gymraeg. Byddi di’n cael…

Photocopiers – Welsh interface option

Llungopiwyr - Opsiwn Cymraeg Mae llungopiwyr ar draws ein campysau bellach yn cynnig rhyngwyneb Cymraeg. Gallwch chi ddod o hyd i’r opsiwn hwn wrth fewngofnodi. Dewiswch yr opsiwn sy’n ymddangos ar y sgrin; gweler isod. Photocopiers…

RAAC Update – Tycoch

Diweddariad RAAC – Myfyrwyr     Mae peirianwyr strwythurol bellach wedi cwblhau adolygiad manwl o Gampws Tycoch, ac o ganlyniad rydyn ni wedi penderfynu cau dwy ystafell – un ystafell ddosbarth ac un ystafell staff –…

Important Information – RAAC Tycoch

Yn gyffredin â llawer o adeiladau o’r un cyfnod, rydym wedi canfod CAAC (Concrit Awyredig Awtoclafiedig Cyfnerth) mewn un man bach ar Gampws Tycoch, Coleg Gŵyr Abertawe. Fel mesur rhagofalus, mae’r Coleg wedi gweithredu mewn modd rhagweithiol…

Welcome Day Activity

Solve the anagrams to reveal the letters for the final message Solve the anagrams in the top part of the puzzle. Use the circled letters from the words in the top part to complete the final word or phrase at the bottom. Each circled letter…

Access to Policing Course

Are you finishing your Level 3 course this year? Are you wondering what to do next? Have you thought of a career in the Police? Starting in September the college will be delivering an Access to Policing Diploma at Ty Coch. Start your journey,…

Apprenticeship Open Evening – 21st June 23

Apprenticeship Open Evening Wednesday 21st June 2023 3:30pm - 7:30pm Tycoch Campus We want to support YOU in finding the right employer! Register via this link.

Summer concert – 22 June, St Catherine’s Church

There will be a summer concert featuring A Level Music and Music Technology students on 22 June. We have confirmed St Catherine’s Church as the venue – 6pm start.  
As part of Pride Month we continue our journey into understanding the sexual orientation spectrum. Bisexuality is a vibrant and diverse aspect of human sexuality that encompasses a wide range of identities. Bisexual individuals are attracted…

GCS Student Union Prom 2023 TICKETS

Hello! Shwmae! Gower College Swansea Students Union is hosting its second annual Prom over at the Patti Pavilion on Wednesday 28th June from 6:30pm to 11:00pm! This year’s Prom theme chosen by our class representatives is…